What can be done here (also see the bottom of the page for detailed instructions)
  • Analysis of two-factor factorial experiments

  • Factorial experiments in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Randomized Block Design (RBD)

Prepare excel file by reading instruction below and then proceed to analysis

In this web application, you only just need to upload the Excel file in CSV format. To Prepare excel file follow the instructions below

  • Open a new blank excel file

  • Copy and paste observations into a new sheet (use only one sheet) of a new excel file

  • Three columns are required Levels of Factor 1, Levels of Factor 2 and Response for CRD. Four columns are required Levels of Factor 1, Levels of Factor 2, Replication and Response for RBD. You can use any names for your columns

  • You can use letters or numbers to denote the levels of treatment

  • You can also add more than one response as columns

  • No space is allowed in the treatment name. If space is required use underscore ‘_’ or ‘.’ full stop; for example ‘Treatment name’ should be written as Treatment_name or Treatment.name

  • Data should be arranged towards upper left corner and row above the data should not be left blank.

  • Don't type and delete anything on other cells without data. If so select those cells, right click and click clear contents

  • Give names to all column, Don't add any unnecessary columns that is not required for analysis

  • Once all these are done, your file is ready. Now you have to save it as CSV file. It is very simple. Follow the instruction below.

How to save an excel file as CSV

  • File --> Save As --> (in the dialogue box appearing), select save as type: csv (comma delimited)

  • Now save your file in any name

  • After file preparation click on the analysis button above

  • Upload this file in to the application for analysis.

Your final file should look like this

One example each of CRD and RBD are given below

How to save your excel file as csv before proceeding for analysis?

click file --> save as